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How To Make Houseplant Soil More Acidic

This will acidify the soil. When the coffee ground decomposes they will slowly make your soil more acidic. How To Test Soil Ph Without A Kit Plant Instructions TitleHow to Make your Soil Acidic Balance Your Soil PH LevelWith 5 Easy Things. How to make houseplant soil more acidic . Worm castings retain soil nutrients and moisture allowing both to be more available for plant uptake. When used in large amounts as a soil amendment peat moss will slightly acidify the soil while also adding organic material to the soil. Sulfur and aluminum sulfate can lower soil pH. There are two ways to amend your soil with peat moss. The pH of peat moss is usually from 3 to 45 which makes it very effective if you want to lower the pH and acidify the soil. To make the pH higher less acidic try adding a form of lime such as finely ground agricultural limestone. A simple solution is to add peat moss which will increase the aeration drainage and acidity level of the soil. The easiest way