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How Do I Make My Legs Bigger

Start in a wide stance feet turned outward. You can use a cable leg press or squat machine as well. Calves Are Easily One Of The Most Stubborn Muscles On The Body But With The Workouts I Ve Put Together You Calf Muscle Workout Calf Exercises Calves Exercises If you are an endomorph and are experiencing your legs getting bigger from exercise I would stop the current exercise that you are doing. How do i make my legs bigger . Bigger Butt Smaller Thighs If you enjoy cardio workouts there are several types that help torch calories and build your glutes. Hold two dumbbells in front of your shoulders palms facing inward. You can use your knees to push back up to start but always start the negative. For the seated leg press start in a sitting position with your back against the pad. Focus more on cardio lighter. Walking is amazing for slimming down your legs but its best done. Running for 20-40 miles a week will really do this but anything shorter than a 3 mile run wont.